Can't wait to "Sucker Punch"!

I know I posted about this film already, but all those teaser-promotions - featurettes, new stills and other news bits that keep coming up - make me seriously look forward to this! Anyway"SUCKER PUNCH" is opening in just a week in the U.S. which means we're about to get some proper reviews. Of course there is every chance that the film's gonna suck despite awesome pics and trailers, but I sure hope it won't or if it does - not completely. I love girl power films, and a movie starring a character that looks like a porn-schoolgirl-meets-Black-Mamba plus a gang of S&M fetishist's wet dreams/killer warrior chicks, altogether doing an incredible amount of ass kicking - can't be all bad! In the worst case it should make an awesome piece of cyberpunk trash.

And they have JON HAMM in it too! Definitely, can't be bad...