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  • Jerrome
    05-01 04:20 PM
    What do you mean by some tamilians killed, almost 10 thousand people killed in 2 months.

    Personally i don't believe 2000 terrorists could hold hostages of 3 or 4 lakh people for 2 years.

    Do you know or read reports that daily 5000 bombs are dropped on civilian areas to make them to run towards the army.Do you know that the army poisoned the drinking water and people ran towards army without food or water and now they are in Nazi like camps.

    It is not released by the LTTE but released by the UN.

    No Second opinion about killing terrosists, but killing innocent people is not acceptable at any cost.

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  • Rohan99
    07-22 11:55 AM
    Smile - I can prove this is a relevant topic

    Some of these jokers (Quikstar..Amway) have filed GC in EB2 and Eb3 which is illegal, someday states Like Arizona will declare that anyone looking like us should be checked for Amway membership and deported

    Profiling is an issue and because of some jokers we all may have to go thru scrutiny.

    We should ask USCIS to check all GC applicants name in Amway database and if found USCIS needs to send them to Mexico (because illegal)..

    We should write to senators... your opinion on this? ( this way Indiancommunity can be clean and fight for legal hardworking people in immigration policy)

    Please for GOD SAKE understand that this is an immigration Portal.

    Not a fish market where we can discuss the prices of item at different stores.

    Please stop this Admin

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  • pointlesswait
    06-02 01:17 AM
    country quota is not racial discrimination...u must be a fool to say that.

    To change the country quota..they have to change the whole philosophy of immigration in this country... Equal opportunity for all...

    Its absurd to try to change the country quota..we must try for recapture..instead..

    I do not agree ,

    They should not deduct SS/Medicare taxes, If i am not eligible for it.

    So basically you pay for a CAR , and you dont get the delivery.. What do you do??

    We have been trying for the recapture. And i see no success, or even close to sucess.

    A good lawyer, can prove that the country quota is a racial discrimination or is unconstiitutional.

    I may be wrong , and this is just my opinion.

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  • abhijitp
    02-12 07:32 PM
    We are all expecting that the VB will go back to June 2007 looks like that RoW has been so fast in getting the latest PD back which could come in a very few months time.

    I was not expecting this to come too soon but in June 2008.

    We are???? I am not expecting a C against all categories ever again! If anything can move the dates significantly, it is things like recapturing of unused visa numbers. Oh BTW, did you send your letter?


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  • gondalguru
    06-27 12:32 PM
    I still believe that the rumor is true. The numbers will retrogress in middle of the month or even earlier probably by the end of first week of july. It doesn't mean that all the catagories will become unavailable. They may retrogress the numbers by 2-3 years and still have enough approvable I-485 for the last quarter of the current fiscal year.

    Hurry up guys and plan to file as soon as possible.

    Don't come back later crying that you were not warned.

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  • samay
    08-25 02:55 PM
    Dear Immigration Attorney,

    Can I out of US with old AP and returned with new (renewed) AP?

    You don't need to show the AP at the time you leave the country.


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  • chantu
    03-30 02:06 PM
    The most of the guys posting in this thread is not going to vote. Even I think, we all do not have our names in electoral list. There is no sense in arguing who is best or who should be next PM, sitting in US. Furthermore, most of the educated, urban voters will never go to polling booth in hot summer to stand in line to do their duty as a citizen.. Indian�s election of their representatives is fundamentally a show of money and muscle power. Election in India is just a business. It is just investment of money by political parties with the help of capitalists and their lobbyist to get the vote from rural, uneducated, divided voters across the nation. All parties are corruptive, communal, divisive, plays vote bank politics. No exceptions! (whether it is Congress, BJP, communists, BSP, SP, and countless regional parties). One thing I can say or compare about Congress and BJP. Congress is the only party has responsible for bringing both good (economy, growth, education,) and bad (corruption and countless other) thing to India. BJP has not done any good thing to India sofar, only it brought bad things to India (divisive, corruption).

    My input regarding comparison of Manmohan and Advani.


    Though, he is not a full time politician, and not a good crowd pulling speaker, he has strong record. He has quietly achieved lot as a RBI governor; FM and PM. US nuclear agreement is a big achievement in his career, despite he had a minority government with the strong left opposition. He does not have long term independent vision, and strong leadership skills. He was widely accepted by all part of the country, as he has no controversial issues.


    He is a good speaker, crowd puller. He is a typical Indian politician. He has leadership skills. He does not have any significant record/achievement to back his claim for PM (either as a ex-minister or politician). For example, he has not done anything to improve the national security when he was a union home minister. He has involved in controversial issue like Babri Majit, and Ram temple issue. He also does not have long term vision, ideas on economy, poverty elimination etc..

    Ramba, can you please update your profile? I am surprised a Brazilian knows much about Indian politics.

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  • VivekAhuja
    09-23 04:03 PM
    One of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard!


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  • alisa
    07-04 10:57 AM
    I am sick and tired of cookie cutter responses from lawmakers staff. They have a standard template, that starts off with how concerned they are that the immigration system is broken, and their concern for American companies and workers and H-1b.

    Enough of that freaking rubbish....

    Lets send them letters, and specifically ask them

    a) Do you condemn USCIS/DOS behavior, or do you commend it?

    b) Do you sympathise with the plight of the employment based greencard applicants or not?

    Finally, say that their response will be posted on online public forums so that it can be shared with other employment based greencard applicants.

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  • okuzmin
    10-19 11:28 AM
    I just got my medical forms from Canadian Consulate in Buffalo. Our documents were accepted on December 8, 2005, and the letter that accompanied medical forms and request for updated documents (interview has been waived) is dated October 4, 2006. Heh, I wish USCIS had this kind of turnaround. :)


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  • eb3retro
    07-27 08:55 AM
    hang on, I have heard these words somewhere? Let me think which walmart / indian temple? This thread really bothers you guys eh??

    I am not with Amway or Quixtar but I think the folks with Amway/Quixtar are under represented on this thread and it's not fair :-)

    Just to add another dimention to this thread I will play the devil's advocate :D

    Here I go ...

    You guys are all wasting your free time bitching on this thread where as we are spending all our free time growing our business. We will retire early as we would make $xxxx/month for nothing when we turn 40 and dont need to work anymore where as all you guys bitching about Amway / Quixtar will still be working hard at your jobs till 60.

    What's your response ?


    When did talking to strangers a crime. If you dont like you can always say no :-) . If you are as ambitious as us come join us and make millions by 40. Otherwise live your fixed income lives .

    I wont be offended as I am not with Amway/Quixtar I am just posting on behalf of them for fun :-)

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  • alex77
    08-18 01:50 PM
    Excellent observation. You deserve a green!

    Bollywood should first pay taxes, none of these icons, pay taxes legimately in India, remember them dancing in the partys of mafia, which is tied to terrorists, I think the agent did a great job in nabbing this guy. The VVIP mentality should end in India. Stupid illeterate politicians are over playing this, Ambika Soni should do what she is supossed to do in her office.


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  • WaitingUnlimited
    02-12 12:02 PM

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  • Eternal_Hope
    02-15 11:56 AM
    If you google retrogression, IV doesn't show up until page 2.

    Is there anyway we can change this? So that IV is the first link that shows up? Anyway know about this.

    Type "retrogression" in Google search bar - when the results page shows up, look at the right hand side, there under the Sponsored Links you will see IV advertisement and link.

    Looks pretty cool. GO IV!


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  • illusions
    05-18 11:14 AM
    How has panini's profile in THIS THREAD got anything to do with immigration? this is NOT an immigration related thread. If you should police a person's profile in an immigration related thread no one would object, but this is the wrong thread. And isn't the default changeability the US ? Your accusations are pretty strong and doesn't seem to have any backing; what are the rumors that he has been spreading ? anti immigrant ???

    If you should police this site, then ask the Admin's to close non immigration related threads that have a political debate involved.

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  • a1b2c3
    01-14 12:48 PM
    Check what they are paying. I know a company which charges $110-$130 ph to the client and payes around $30K for the employee in L1. Is it good business practice...? Not only desi consulting cos...these a$$ also the reason we are in this mess today. Just imagine when the antis comes to know that 30K pa salary....

    V true.

    Folks, the memo clearly empowers USCIS to crack down on consulting firms which don't have any in-house infrastructure (other than contractors) to execute projects.

    H1B is misused for a long time now by these firms and it was high time they put the screws on these "job shops" as they call it. Unfortunately some talented workers will get impacted.

    But if they are talented they will find opportunities elsewhere. Trust me on that. And better opportunities.

    Nathan is exactly right. These firms have created a mess by bending rules everywhere.

    Don't start speculating that USCIS is trying to throw out all immigrants from this country. I'm surprised that folks don't take a proper view of the situation (yeah..bring the reds on and call me an anti-immigrant).


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  • gc28262
    06-15 04:22 PM
    Ivar and group,


    My suggestion here is that let the outsourcers take the hit. They have always benefitted by flouting the rules. If your concern is way too high for your L1 brothers then you would find it prudent to bring in the law that clearly states "Pay high wages for the L1s or dont bring them in here". ..........................................


    Please wake up from your dream. No matter how you want it, outsourcing won't go away.

    Outsourcing companies will always provide a lower cost to client as long as dollar is valuable than rupee ( or any other developing world currency).

    They can do this by one of the following ways.

    Use L1s for client site assignments. Some of these maybe illegal. Still they do it. Client is happy, outsourcers are happy.

    Let us say everybody complains to ICE about this and L1 visas are unavailable for outsourcers. Their next strategy is to change the ratio of onsite resources to offshore resources. Again they will offer a cheaper solution to client. For executing a project in onsite/offshore model they don't need all these L1 guys here. They just need a few managers and maybe some team leads. They can execute the project with minumum resources onsite. Company and client wins again. The only reason they place so many resources onsite is to charge the client at dollar rate.

    If US wants to prevent offshoring they have to ban offshoring explicitly. Doing so will go against the WTO rules.

    To summarize, outsourcing cannot be stopped. Salary levels will always go down with time.

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  • akred
    02-15 11:04 AM
    Although as a business person I look at skill rather then nationality; I do know enough about immigration that there is a good purpose behind country limits. Foreign nationals will prefer their own people for h-1b; they will look for their friends, cousins, brothers, sisters, wives, relatives, etc. and bring their own country people here. Therefore, it is not an "open market" on skill people from all parts of the world. The country quota is the equalizer because of this.

    This argument does not have much merit. You are confusing diversity with skills - if those friends, cousins etc. meet the job requirements, there is no issue in hiring them for open positions. You are asking us to believe that a country that does not believe in affirmative action in the job market and depends on voluntary action by employers to enhance diversity cares about any of this when it comes to immigration.

    No, the intention behind the 7% limit is to protect levels of European immigration and address racist fears of immigration from the 3rd world. This was also the intent behind the diversity lottery - notice the consternation that the diverisity lottery is primarily benefitting non-Europeans.

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  • eb3_nepa
    05-10 04:53 PM
    Why is this is a New Tune being sung suddenly? I mean i can see your point, but why this sudden introduction. So far IV was showing the lawmakers how good the Canadian/Australian system was. Now one of the super moderators is mentioning that despite all the exploitation the US system is better?

    Pls dont get me wrong i am not making snide remarks. Just wondering if this was a personal thought or that is now going to be IV's policy.

    06-28 12:56 PM
    Already it happened for other workers category last month. In mid july THEY WILL STOP accepting 485s if they receive more than they could process.

    I did not see any precedance for stopping I485 in the middle of months for past 10 years. If it happens that will be first time

    07-21 06:17 PM
    I'm enjoying this thread more than I enjoyed the predictions one. I'm imagining a qucikstar star reading this thread and smiling to myself. My wife thinks I'm reading a joke on the internet.

    Keep them coming guys.