I find FREJA's tattoo collection very edgy and not too gaudy at the same time - well done! My favorite is wrist tattoo though - gun is also cool, but it brings to mind violence and murder - don't think I'd want this on my body.

Cryptic and not so cryptic messages on body - in English and other languages - seems like a popular tattoo trend lately. ANGELINA's tattoos are quite famous already, while EVAN RACHEL WOOD follows up with a more elegant inscription. Yet, I'm not sure I can think of any statement I want to put on my body. Of course I have some favorite sayings and quotes, yet, what if I get tired of it later? Not sure I want to turn my body into a message board - that's all...

I really love RIHANNA's tattoo - the whole design and the positioning of it. I also like the stars as design element in general. Of course her tattoo is well suited only for a girl with a short haircut like hers, but could also work if located elsewhere on the body.

These are interesting examples but definitely a No. I don't even like wearing tees with prints depicting some other girls - I want people to look at my face, not theirs - let alone engrave them on my upper arms like AMY. And TILA's heart tattoo is just cheese and tacky.
On another note, what kind of tattoo design do I prefer myself? Well, apart from aforementioned stars, I'm really fascinated with butterflies. But I can't say that I'm a big fan of butterflies per se - nope, only as a tattoo design idea. Some of those below could work.
On another note, what kind of tattoo design do I prefer myself? Well, apart from aforementioned stars, I'm really fascinated with butterflies. But I can't say that I'm a big fan of butterflies per se - nope, only as a tattoo design idea. Some of those below could work.