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  • rhett7660
    Apr 22, 10:37 AM
    WTH.. -1 already!!!! I don't like it..... :eek::D


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  • bunty
    Oct 6, 12:36 PM
    Doesn't AT&T piggyback on T-mobile's network and vice-versa? Shouldn't the map reflect that?

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  • ju5tin81
    Sep 12, 07:37 AM
    Not gonna happen. Apple will let you watch in the living room, it will just be via wireless streaming.

    Damn! It would've given them the edge over Amazons 'unbox' thing and made them seem fairer... Ah well...

    As long as there are no big 'WARNING' screens that you can't skip through like on a DVD disc....

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 15, 07:47 PM

    Image from Droid Life (http://www.droid-life.com/2011/03/07/google-music-syncing-to-the-cloud-working-on-android-2-3-3-roms/)
    All Things Digital reports (http://mediamemo.allthingsd.com/20110415/google-music-label-talks-going-backwards/)

    Considering the source "All Things Digital", Apple's personal mouthpiece, it's no wonder it has a Pro-Apple bias.

    Of course Google's going to have growing pains. It's new territory for them. They'll get it sorted out.

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  • iBlue
    Apr 26, 10:50 AM
    Years back I suggested a thanks button but it went nowhere. In truth I'm glad because it was flawed idea and so is this. Of all the things that could really use changing around here THIS is what we get? I really don't understand the point at all but I can certainly see some big drawbacks to it.

    Firestarter had some good ideas here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12442078&postcount=150) if it simply must stick around but I really hope it doesn't. I've watched it happen on other forums - it becomes a popularity contest more than anything useful, particularly if there are little to no controls with it.

    P.S. The box surrounding the up/down buttons is baboon-ass ugly.

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  • Surely
    Apr 8, 01:32 PM
    As I said above, they will probably use it to sell something they can't move. My guess, "Purchase a Windows 7 phone, we will let you buy an iPad 2."

    Yeah, I don't see Apple approving a promotion like that with their current flagship product.

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  • helix21
    Apr 29, 03:55 PM
    I much preferred the older builds.

    iOS scrollbar's and the reversed scrolling was one of my favourite little things about Lion.

    Slider was much better too than boring buttons.

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  • GQB
    May 2, 05:30 PM
    No thanks.

    And your option is...?

    Personally, I'd like to know if the deletion that results from turning off Location Services results in slower response time when you turn it back on. Does turning it back on give you a sufficient download from the mothership to get you up and running again quickly?

    I turn off Location Services frequently for a variety of reasons... battery life, roaming internationally, etc. I'd hate to have this non-issue result in slower GPS every time I toggle Location.

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  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 07:51 AM
    Isn't today the start of the Paris expo? So let's see...6 hours ahead of me here in Chicago...1 PM! They're updating it for the fact that the expo is up and running.

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  • gleepskip
    Jan 5, 03:27 PM
    I wish they at least did that still. I mean, they offer a streaming video after the event, is it really so much more expensive to to offer it live? That would be something worth getting up early and going to the Apple Store for.

    Although I find enough excitement in both reading the live text updates and then getting to go to Apple's site and see the product pages,and watch them in action in the keynote video.

    I suppose we could go to the Apple Store on Tuesday and hit the live blog sites on their Macs. Then, when the event is over, go to the cash register and say, "Gimmie!!!"

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  • snberk103
    Apr 15, 10:35 PM
    Whoa, is this a contest for the longest post?

    Count me absent.

    No, why? :)

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  • schwell
    Oct 11, 08:07 PM
    I too came from Verizon where I hardly ever dropped a call. I can't remember it ever being a problem. Now I have my second iPhone (first was with tmobile) and I have to say that AT&T is the worst carrier I've ever used. I live in Chicago and not a day goes by where at least 1 call is dropped (usually more than 1).

    I'd be right behind you in line at verizon to get one of their iPhones.

    AT&T should be penalized for their garbage coverage by apple ripping the exclusivity deal away from them.

    We in America would really benefit from legislation that bans anticompetitive exclusivity contracts. Similar laws to that which Europe enjoys would make everyone here a little happier.

    Choice is never a bad thing.

    You have hundreds of phone choices.

    I doubt the legislation would make people happier. Most of you would find something else to complain about (e.g. price, features).

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  • MistaBungle
    Apr 8, 07:07 PM
    I wonder if this "delay from the vendor" could be somehow tied into the possibly of that MobileMe announcement that seems to be ever so pending.

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  • huskerchad
    Apr 5, 03:32 PM
    Apple loves its customers so much, they let you view ads for free!

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  • obeygiant
    Apr 25, 05:25 PM
    Same two girls at a burger king? (http://www.wjhg.com/home/headlines/Video_shows_spring_break_brawl_at_PCB_Burger_King_118505599.html)

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  • AlBDamned
    Nov 15, 07:23 PM
    my personal gripes/opinions:

    * lots of things to collect and customize .. which is great
    * apart of that: average at best:
    * many guns essentially worthless: shot guns having a range of 5 meters, machine guns being no more powerfull than assault rifles but way less accurate, and game being too fast paced for sniping rifles...
    *knife connecting from ridiculous angles and distances: if _I_ can hit somebody else with a knife when he is standing next to me then there is something wrong
    *lots of game modes of which perhaps only 1/3 is actually fun on the actual maps..which for some modes are way too small
    *ridiculous bad net code : connection problems, host migrations (working in 1/4 of al lcases), random disconnects, lag, voice echoes and problems, and sound issues

    Agree with all of this about the multiplayer. I sure as hell hope there's a significant patch in the works for all platforms, but even that will not bring this game up to where it should be given its history.

    It's just a shame that a) MW3 is a long way away; and b) given all the stuff that's gone down at Infinity Ward, there's no guarantee that will be any good either (although it should look like a 2010 game, not something on the PS2). Treyarch jumped the shark completely with Black Ops multiplayer.

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  • ShakyJay
    Dec 23, 11:29 PM
    I wouldn't believe it. They allegedly don't tell their own stores anything because they feel they can't trust the staff (who are mostly college aged kids) not to post glamour it on their facebook, etc. No way would they tell another company like Radio Shack especially this early

    Trust me Verizon employees do not know if they are getting the iPhone 6 months in advance...The boss's don't trust them to change out light bulbs in their stores, why would they give them critical data that could change their stocks????

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  • macintel4me
    Oct 11, 02:48 AM
    cover flow is going to look great on the ipod cinema. with cell under the hood the downloading games fom you wii will be easy.

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  • chrmjenkins
    Dec 13, 07:51 PM
    And if you're wrong and it's announced in January? ;)

    I don't see that happening. It's just not how Apple works.

    Doctor Q
    May 3, 01:55 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?
    Two answers come to mind:

    Compile 'em all
    Jul 22, 08:21 AM
    I'm sorry, but these video stunts are just bogus and have no credibility. Clearly on 3 of them the person holding the phone is applying a lot of vice-like pressure and squeezing the phones as hard as possible. You can see the arm shaking from applying so much force and the thumb turns red. Do they think people are that stupid? That is far removed from realistic usage of the phones, whereas the problem with the iPhone 4 is just touching it in a certain spot.

    Apple is making it worse because instead of just being honest and forthcoming, they are now lying and trying to distract from the real issue. People will be understanding and wouldn't care if Apple would just be contrite, educate people about facts and make an attempt to rectify the situation. They did that by giving away the bumpers and sharing the data about dropped calls which helps their case that it is still a great phone, but everything else they have done damages their brand. Their attempt to mislead people from the facts is not helping.

    What real issues?

    Apple are selling iPhones as fast as they can make them.

    Aside from a tiny minority on the internet, the avg. joe is out there enjoying and using their new iPhone. If it was a big issue as the media portrayed it, Apple wouldn't be selling a single unit.

    You people are funny.

    Sep 12, 06:06 AM
    Friends aren't post.

    So here we go again, teaching english to our fellow MR members:

    From the Oxford dictionary:

    Receive - (...) "greet or welcome formally"; "be visited by"; or also "accommodate".

    No, friends are not post...:rolleyes:

    Apr 13, 05:48 AM
    I wish windows goes UNIX

    There is more chance of you waking up on the moon tomorrow morning than happening. Hell would freeze over and they'd still be a reason why it isn't happening.

    Unix has it's flaws too. I certainly think that NT is reaching a certain maturity to be considered just-as-good as Unix.

    Aug 7, 07:29 PM
    Woooohoooo! Now the 20" ACDs go for around �410.00 (with edu discount)!! ;)

    I'm buying two in September!! :D